Public high school in the mid nineteenth century was first founded in Boston in 1821. During this time mainly boys attended these public schools. Other areas later opened their own schools and there were separate schools for boys and girls. Education during this time was only available for the wealthy and the poor were denied the better schooling. Even during this time there were reformers that believed that education should be made public and available for all. Education during this time was mainly based on religious preferences.
Democracy in education is based on the ideas and values of a free society. In this society public education is accountable to the people and American culture is taught as part of the curriculum. Democracy believes that in order for people to comply with the orders, rules and regulation in a voluntary fashion the individuals in that society must become educated. Therefore there are rights established to ensure that everyone in that society regardless of race, religion, political preference, financial status age, gender and so on should receive a free public education. Therefore, public schools were established to meet these demands. Public high schools in the mid nineteenth century served as secondary higher education that prepared their students for college.
Public high schools today are to educate, and equip individuals to survive in society. The Public high schools in the USA differ from Europe in many ways, although they are very similar. USA education was established on European concepts. In the USA educational system, students and parents have a great influence on how education is conducted and education is more carefree, unlike Europe. In the USA students choose their course of subjects; in Europe the subjects are compulsory. In Europe students are required to choose up to four additional languages to study and they are given more subjects especially additional science all required. In the USA students are educated to survive in their society. In Europe individuals are educated to choose careers, and be productive citizens.
Regardless of all the reforms USA still fall short in terms of Europe in democratic principles. Minorities are still finding it hard to believe that the USA Public education is democracy for all. Education is still bias based on testing. In Europe the high schools consist of four levels and the curriculum is more difficult, and regardless of race, color, status and so forth all individuals are able to attend even before reforms were established. Unlike the USA that needed court cases to keep religion out of schools in Europe this was not allowed not even in the nineteenth century. The USA is falling behind in education in comparison with Europe and other countries. In Europe the school system has not forgotten the reason it was established and that was to educate the individuals unlike the USA.
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