Today is Thursday day five of my service learning hours with Mrs. Jobson and her first grade class. Today was the first day after taking the S.A.T. test and also picture day. All the students came dressed up and prepared to be photographed. Much attention was on the clothing what each person wore for this day. Reason being this is a uniformed required school so each student is accustomed to seeing their fellow classmates in uniforms just like them, but it was different today.
Regardless of this event to take place the emphasis was still on focusing on school and getting the materials covered and the work done. Mrs. Jobson continued to give test for the morning segment because the grading period for this nine weeks is about to conclude. Now the big moment arrived and Mrs. Jobson’s class was scheduled to take their pictures. All the students became overtly excited so much that one of the students decided to conduct playtime. Noticing that the behavior was getting out of control Mrs. Jobson stepped over and addressed the student that was causing a major disruption. The student decided she wanted to continue and not respond to the teacher’s request to settle down.
That student went as far as falling on the floor and rolling over. Mrs. Jobson addressed her again and she continued. By this time this student have caught the attention of the others and continued. Mrs. Jobson pressed upon her to stop and when her request was not taken the school security was alerted. The security came over and when the student saw her she decided to pick herself off the floor. Then the security personnel spoke to her in a firm manner and advised her of her actions and the consequences that will follow if the behavior did not cease.
Needless to say the action came to an abrupt end. All the other students eagerly watched and waited to see what was happening and also waiting patiently for their turn to be photographed. After this all student went back to the class to practice for an event they were going to perform in. I got the opportunity to see that as well. I also got the opportunity to see protocol at work in the event of a student that fails to comply with rules and regulations. I got the opportunity to discuss the situation with Mrs. Jobson and realized why the security had to be called. That was done to prevent that student from harming herself and perhaps endangering others around her.
HE.K.B.3.3: Recognize the consequences of not following rules/practices when making healthy and safe decisions.
Depth of Knowledge: N/A Date Adopted or Revised: 12/08
HE.K.B.2.3: Identify the appropriate responses to unwanted and threatening situations.
Depth of Knowledge: N/A Date Adopted or Revised: 12/08 Standard: Demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
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