My second service learning hours with Mrs. Jobson and her first grade class. On this observation I went into the classroom setting with an open mind about observing the students in their learning environment. On this service learning hours the day is Tuesday. Unlike the first time I went into the classroom all the students were eager to be there. Everyone was happy and it showed. Mrs. Jobson informed the students that they were going to be tested on the lessons they conducted in class and how important the test was going to be. She also told them to take the test seriously, take their time to make sure they understand what they are reading and do their best. The testing to be conducted is the SAT.
Immediately after doing that the morning lesson was well on its way. I forgot to mention Ms. Jobson teaches the students math, science, art, music, and P.E. at 11:30am the students switch classes to another teacher that teaches them all the other subjects. The morning started off with a problem of the day in math, actually several problems that the students had to complete. While the students were doing this Ms. Jobson was collecting the homework assignments. The day was off to a smooth start when immediately a student became ill. The student begun to vomit and Ms. Jobson realizing the situation attended to the student without the other students not seating in the immediate area noticing what was going on.
The student was given the required attention, the area was cleaned up, the student was escorted to the office and the lesson continued with the least amount of distraction or interruption. I learned a teacher has to be alert and prepared to handle any situation that arises while the students are in her care. Math was corrected, graded and reviewed and additional problems were assigned. I forgot to mention during the morning announcements a student from Mrs. Jobson’s classroom was selected to read a passage about Mr. Carver in awareness and observation of Black History Month at the school. He was one of her top readers. All the students in Ms. Jobson classroom can read there are a few that struggles but overall they can read. The classroom was very alert this time around. There were minimum amount of review needed for the lesson.
» HE.2.B.3.1: Differentiate between situations when a health-related decision can be made individually or when assistance is needed.
Depth of Knowledge: N/A Date Adopted or Revised : 12/08
HE.2.P.1.2: Show behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks.
Depth of Knowledge: N/A Date Adopted or Revised : 12/08
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