On my first service learning experience, I decided I would just watch the general flow of all that would happen in the classroom setting. I was assigned to Mrs. Jobson first grade teacher. The school I am conducting my service learning at is Amelia Earhart Elementary in Hialeah. This class has a good ratio of boys and girls with a total combination of about eighteen students, all of which are Hispanic. Mrs. Jobson has been a teacher at this school for over eighteen years. At this school there are morning announcements that are conducted by the students and principal via television. This session takes up about or close to ten minutes of the first segment of the morning.
Mrs. Jobson has her students grouped by six with three groups. The style of the classroom is mainly constructivism. There is lots of student teacher interaction on this day and some group assignments given. Students were required to discuss the assignments as a group, the teacher questioned the students to see if prior information was retained and observe the areas where review were going to occur. This flow went quite well.
The day I went was on a Monday and all the students seemed to be restless for the first day of school and at the beginning of their school day. The subjects that were taught for the morning session were math new concepts and review and science. The concept for math was adding and subtracting with a number missing. Mrs. Jobson immediately realized what was happening in the classroom and had the students to perform a stretching of the hands exercise to help the students regroup and stay focus. There was one student that was excessively tired and that student was called upon frequently to answer questions. He was also given an additional stretching exercise to help him focus.
The teacher after explaining the lesson and reviewing the students were assigned individual or independent work to ensure comprehension. The students that were having difficulty were given one on one attention and the students that were advanced in this area were assigned additional work. As the time progressed the teacher realized that some of the students were becoming restless again from lack of rest from the night before, so she instructed them all to clap if they could hear her and this occurred three times. After wrapping up the math session a quick review of science was done then the students were dismissed to lunch. It was amazing to see how quickly the time went. Also how busy a teacher has to be to ensure the entire classroom is attentive and ready to learn at all times.
MA.1.A.6.1: Use mathematical reasoning and beginning understanding of tens and ones, including the use of invented strategies, to solve two-digit addition and subtraction problems.
Depth of Knowledge: High Date Adopted or Revised: 09/07
» MA.1.A.6.2: Solve routine and non-routine problems by acting them out, using manipulatives, and drawing diagrams.
Depth of Knowledge: High Date Adopted or Revised: 09/07
» SC.1.N.1.1: Raise questions about the natural world, investigate them in teams through free exploration, and generate appropriate explanations based on those explorations.
Depth of Knowledge: High Date Adopted or Revised: 02/08
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