Education has always been regarded as a vehicle to improve the society in which we live and I agree with this statement. Education opens doors of opportunities for many individuals that otherwise would be off limit. Take for instant the role of women in society all can be contributed to education. Education made it possible for a woman to attend school, be trained and then advance to higher levels of education in order to compete for positions in society. Without education these would be off limit for a woman and the role of women would still consist of being a domesticated helper.
Or the changing of laws that made it possible for a slave to move from slave statues to being a free man all done through education. When an individual of different origin, nationality or color can stand shoulder to shoulder and compete for positions or status in this society without being frowned upon as anything less than the credentials they hold that prove they are capable to compete. Or the ability to obtain the knowledge to produce wealth can all be contributed to education. Education makes it possible for individuals to coexist in this society. Without education and being educated how would so many individuals from all aspect of this globe can exist and function in this society if it had not been for education. Education teaches an individual the morals and code of ethics that society deem important. Education enlightens our understanding of this society and the roles we play in it.
As one can see education is a vital and important vehicle for improving this society at large. Education gives an individual all the basic tools necessary to prepare an individual for the role they will contribute to society. Education makes it possible for an individual to understand oneself. Education teaches an individual about their history so it would not repeat itself in a negative way. It also teaches an individual about his/her own identity. Through education individuals can advance and gain knowledge to fulfill advance levels of opportunities in society. Such fields as health, finance, legal and professionals would not be possible without education. Society benefits overall from all the advancement that is contributed from knowledgeable individuals.
Education made it possible to place a person on the moon. Education makes it possible for technology to enhance our everyday lives. I could go on and on about how education is the vehicle that makes it possible for improving society at large. Without education all the possible could not be possible and it was education that took an active role in producing the very society we exist and reside in.
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