The launching of the Sputnik in space was a time that caused America to rethink the way things were being done. Who would have thought and leave this notion to pure amazement that the Soviet Union would develop a satellite that would have the capability of being propelled into space. This was truly a mark in the history books. Due to this the US begin to pour money into the educational field. Key influences were placed on science, foreign language and math. Universities were forced to develop more highly knowledge based curriculum as a result.
Focus was on teaching students to think critically like never before. This launch created the birth of NASA. Had it not been for this advancement of the Soviet Union during a time of the Cold War being able to create such a device, would leave America to wonder and question its educational system. Perhaps even today this countries educational system may still leave America to wonder and question if it is still behind the rest of other nations and countries. The Sputnik made America realize its short comings and rethink. Also one may conclude that, there are not that many individuals at that time or now in the critical fields.
Subject matters taught in school and that became a part of the educational system would challenge students to think critically. The US realized that memorization of information was not as vital as being a critical thinker; one may even say thinking outside of the normal realm. This type of thinking could cause a revolution of the mind and even an explosion that this country called the USA needed. Perhaps this critical thinking would make America a top leader in the global society and give America a leading edge over the rest.
The educational field of science boomed after the Sputnik. Schools were doing everything to advance this area. What would it take for America to redirect and rethink about the educational system today? Is it going to take another Sputnik? The educational system in the US needs to continue to develop areas that will causes the students to think critically. The Sputnik affected the educational system in the US and made America realize it was more behind than ahead of the rest. Also it taught America to lead the field of education must be advanced.
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