Socrates was one of those great philosophers from Greece. His contribution and the work he did are still being used and practiced today. Socrates did not believe in the ideas of the type of person one will become but he was more concerned with the ethics and values that were portrayed in that person’s life. He believed that the ethical virtues needed to be addressed first before any moral action can occur. His ideas on values, happiness and elenchus were great.
Socrates believed that the state of the soul was better than any wealth, honor or reputation a person could ever receive. To Socrates the soul was eternal and it is that thing that identifies who we are. Therefore, having or being in the best state when it comes to your soul is very important. His values beliefs were it was not good to be evil for it was better to be dead than to be evil. To be evil was like being rotting and to be dead was similar to having a decaying body. He also believed that the soul could outlive the body therefore it was vital. If one loses his life that individual would lose his virtue.
To Socrates happiness was something we all can control for an individual is in control of his state of being. If an individual has virtue it is that thing needed to be happy and nothing else. This is the thing that will contribute to a good life. In his elenchus he wanted everyone to state what it is that you needed to say. He believed that hypothesis was worthless. There is good in everyone and the only way to get it out of an individual was to ask the proper questions.
Socrates also left others confused by the things he said. He made great contribution to western education with his teaching methods. He always asked questions and left the individual to critically solve and come up with a solution. He made westerns rethink the way education was being conducted for modern western education. He always created and engaged in dialogs that caused others to think. Then that individual would answer based on his/her own thought process and knowledge. He never gave the answers but the individual was challenged to think for themselves. One would say he conducted active debates. His views always criticized what the person was thinking causing and challenging that individual more and more. Due to this his teaching method was valued in western education.
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