Saturday, February 20, 2010

Asili Night- Loving Spirits-Powerful Love

Asili the Journal Night of Loving Spirits- Powerful love was an event to celebrate love. Everything was wrapped up in the title of the event. Where else can one go and enjoy good company and fellowship with others in a warm and sultry atmosphere and the admission was free. There were poetry reading, music, short story, skits and African dancing. The talent was superb and lacking nothing.
Opening the night were David and his band along with Doc Austin. Music was performed to awake the spirit and get one in the mood for the events to follow. Following was the blessings and immediately after the first reading of the night by Professor Mcnair from his love collection. Did I state this was a night for love? The one that caught my undivided attention was Nose Open wide never under estimate the power of a woman. Continuing the segment was Ki Ki Sanchez and proceeded by a soloist rendition called for Heaven’s Sake.
Next was Donna Asa and her celebration to men my favorite was Son of the drums. Catching the eyes with true amazement was Prince Emmanuel with the fire. The Prince/ priest was eating hot coal, lodging it in his mouth and holding it with his bare hands, what a sight to see. Then the mood was shifted to more of a tranquil one with the reading of Dominos by Professor Philips. Just when I thought that was the conclusion I was aroused by David and Doc Austin again with a tribute to the oldies. Songs from such great artist like Marvin Gay, Barry White and believe it or not Michael Jackson to get you in the mood.
Then there was S. Jenkins with Own Will and Life is a ship. Following her was Preston Allen and his reading of Jesus Boy. Unfortunately the night had not concluded but I had to bid the scene with a departure. What an event of excellent talent! Wished I could have seen the last performance of the night but I had to leave. I was truly impressed with all the local talents there are here in this local area.
For all those that did not have an opportunity to attend you missed a wonderful night. For all those who would love to attend the next event watch for the next upcoming dates. I must say I truly had a good time. The night was entertaining but educational as well. Learning comes in all forms one just has to be open to receive experience and learn from all that is there.

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