Aristotle was a great philosopher and known as the one that fathered logics. He was the one that developed the idea of grouping knowledge into different classifications. His contributions are greatly practiced in western education. He was a logical and reasoning philosopher. His works contributed to what is known as ethics, metaphysics, logics, physics, biology, politics, medicine, theatre, dance, agriculture and botany. Aristotle did not agree with Plato therefore, he rejected his ideas of forms. He believed that everything could be explained through a scientific process. Therefore forms could not endure without first studying the connections of everything and seeing how they relate.
To Aristotle science was everything because it was real. As a result his notion of virtue was it could be trained all due to reasoning. He believed that everything existed because it was dependent on what happens in nature or the universe and it will cease to exist due to the same effect. All changes in nature were due to a change or no change. As a result he classified everything into the hierarchy or order. Therefore, everything came from a species. God the creator then humans were at the top of this ladder of being due to the capability of reasoning. In this classification everything existed from greatest being God the creator then human to the least being a worm. He believed that all species were joined together in some way due to the relationship of each group. Aristotle stated that species could not be changed from one group to another without causing a group to be empty. He did not believe in two species in one group. If this happened it would affect order.
Aristotle also believed in the natural senses that everyone has. The way things are created is due to the way we perceive it to be including its composition and everything has a purpose. Things exist because of its origin. When things exist beside this it is then due to the absence of something else. He believed everything was universal and could be explained. Things in nature just do not happen for the sake of it happening. There is always a reason to be examined to explain the effect. His theory of motions is examples of this concept. To Aristotle believed that the soul existed because there was a body and its function of everything developing. To Aristotle knowledge can be acquired through reasoning. Due to his entire philosophical beliefs one may view Aristotle and his work in present day education.