Friday, February 26, 2010
Difference between Athenian and Roman Education
Education in early Ancient Rome was not recorded as a result not much information was given. For the most part, the only information given was that the source of education came from the parents. Parents were the instructional figures that taught their children skills that were vital. They taught them the duties of house chores, farming, military, moral values and conduct of good citizenship. By the middle period there was also a type of schooling where children conducted meaningless activities and focused on play.
Later was when structure begun in Roman education. Thanks to Alexander education in Rome was on its way to being formed. Schooling was for both girls and boys and they were also paid. Schooling begun at an early age and there were degrees of advancing throughout. Advancement of the student ability was the key and at the higher level only those who could afford to pay received more instructions. The main focus in Rome was on personal development, law and speech.
Students were instructed information, recital of information and mentoring from older students all were a part of education in Rome. During this time there were critics that thought children should not go to school. Also there were no laws in place that stated or mandated for a child to attend. The students that did attend were not given a time frame of when to start or the age they should stop. Schooling was more of a free will and the requirement to pay. Students were not given any type of testing during this time. Families took interest in the education but were not required to. There were also lots of competition in areas of athletics and music.
In Ancient Athenian education, the focus was on military skills. They taught the students to be thinkers as well. They believed in science and preparedness at all times. School time frame was more gauged from about age seven to fourteen. The cost of education was not free but affordable for all. Younger boys were taught ball games and the older boys learned more military skills. Reading was very important to the Athenians. Training was to equip students to become call of duty citizens able to perform any and all tasks. Boys were expected to learn trade and military skills at a point of time. Unfortunately the girls and women were not taught and learned domesticated skills required for the home. These are some of the differences between Roman and Athenian education.
Rhetoric in Roman Education
The Greeks were the ones that made rhetoric a part of their system. It was Aristotle that created a method of how rhetoric would be used. Rhetoric is simply using words to convince someone about something and a type of art form. In Rome rhetoric was associated with writing. The goal of rhetoric in Rome was important. Romans always tried to outdo the Greeks therefore; they educated their student to learn how to write and speak in order to present themselves well in public or in court. Consequently, since the Romans lost their scholars true rhetoric lost its main influence. Although rhetoric is not as influential as it could be it is still important.
Rhetoric originated from Greece and consists of two words one part means speaker and the other part is defined as to say. During the Roman era rhetoric was used in the educational curriculum and was a form of logic that was taught along with grammar. This form of upper level education took place around the age of sixteen in Rome. During Roman education rhetoric was assigned as a subject with an instructor that taught the students how to debate. Rhetoric had two areas one was an abstract theme that was general and then a particular area that was relevant to any situation or person. For rhetoric to be effective memorization, order and delivery must all be carefully planned. There were also different ways in which rhetoric was used. In the classical style rhetoric was noted as a public speaker. In contemporary style rhetoric was influenced in areas such as art, science and even law.
Rhetoric was so important to Rome and the philosophers because it was that thing that questioned their truth and morality that they believed. As a result it was a very important part of their educational process. Rhetoric has always been important to speech, gathering the attention of an audience and writing. The Romans knew that language was a very powerful thing and that was why they wanted to perfect the art of rhetoric; which was incorporated in their writing and speech.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Asili Night- Loving Spirits-Powerful Love
Asili the Journal Night of Loving Spirits- Powerful love was an event to celebrate love. Everything was wrapped up in the title of the event. Where else can one go and enjoy good company and fellowship with others in a warm and sultry atmosphere and the admission was free. There were poetry reading, music, short story, skits and African dancing. The talent was superb and lacking nothing.
Opening the night were David and his band along with Doc Austin. Music was performed to awake the spirit and get one in the mood for the events to follow. Following was the blessings and immediately after the first reading of the night by Professor Mcnair from his love collection. Did I state this was a night for love? The one that caught my undivided attention was Nose Open wide never under estimate the power of a woman. Continuing the segment was Ki Ki Sanchez and proceeded by a soloist rendition called for Heaven’s Sake.
Next was Donna Asa and her celebration to men my favorite was Son of the drums. Catching the eyes with true amazement was Prince Emmanuel with the fire. The Prince/ priest was eating hot coal, lodging it in his mouth and holding it with his bare hands, what a sight to see. Then the mood was shifted to more of a tranquil one with the reading of Dominos by Professor Philips. Just when I thought that was the conclusion I was aroused by David and Doc Austin again with a tribute to the oldies. Songs from such great artist like Marvin Gay, Barry White and believe it or not Michael Jackson to get you in the mood.
Then there was S. Jenkins with Own Will and Life is a ship. Following her was Preston Allen and his reading of Jesus Boy. Unfortunately the night had not concluded but I had to bid the scene with a departure. What an event of excellent talent! Wished I could have seen the last performance of the night but I had to leave. I was truly impressed with all the local talents there are here in this local area.
For all those that did not have an opportunity to attend you missed a wonderful night. For all those who would love to attend the next event watch for the next upcoming dates. I must say I truly had a good time. The night was entertaining but educational as well. Learning comes in all forms one just has to be open to receive experience and learn from all that is there.
Aristotle impact
Aristotle was a great philosopher and known as the one that fathered logics. He was the one that developed the idea of grouping knowledge into different classifications. His contributions are greatly practiced in western education. He was a logical and reasoning philosopher. His works contributed to what is known as ethics, metaphysics, logics, physics, biology, politics, medicine, theatre, dance, agriculture and botany. Aristotle did not agree with Plato therefore, he rejected his ideas of forms. He believed that everything could be explained through a scientific process. Therefore forms could not endure without first studying the connections of everything and seeing how they relate.
To Aristotle science was everything because it was real. As a result his notion of virtue was it could be trained all due to reasoning. He believed that everything existed because it was dependent on what happens in nature or the universe and it will cease to exist due to the same effect. All changes in nature were due to a change or no change. As a result he classified everything into the hierarchy or order. Therefore, everything came from a species. God the creator then humans were at the top of this ladder of being due to the capability of reasoning. In this classification everything existed from greatest being God the creator then human to the least being a worm. He believed that all species were joined together in some way due to the relationship of each group. Aristotle stated that species could not be changed from one group to another without causing a group to be empty. He did not believe in two species in one group. If this happened it would affect order.
Aristotle also believed in the natural senses that everyone has. The way things are created is due to the way we perceive it to be including its composition and everything has a purpose. Things exist because of its origin. When things exist beside this it is then due to the absence of something else. He believed everything was universal and could be explained. Things in nature just do not happen for the sake of it happening. There is always a reason to be examined to explain the effect. His theory of motions is examples of this concept. To Aristotle believed that the soul existed because there was a body and its function of everything developing. To Aristotle knowledge can be acquired through reasoning. Due to his entire philosophical beliefs one may view Aristotle and his work in present day education.
Plato's contribution
Plato was one of those Greek philosophers that continue to influence much of what is practiced or said in today’s society. Plato was a thinker and through his thinking techniques he was able to acquire much from an individual therefore, he was a thinking educator. He made those that inquired knowledge from him to rethink their thought process to arise to a conclusion. He also believed that everyone should receive some type of education. He believed if a child was taken from its mother early that individual could be influenced by being cultivated from the state and grow up and become an active leading citizen. He was well known for what the state can do and how its influence on an individual’s life was important. As a result he did not believe that talent can be passed down from parent to child.
Plato believed in absolute truth. He believed that truth was one of those things that could not be changed or altered in any way and that it was eternal. He was also against materialism and believed that ideas and or forms were important. To him this was a good beginning for all truth. To Plato matter was always changing and was not reliable; in other words it was unstable. In order to understand forms one should take advantage of forms, be progressive and unselfish and at the same time renounce matter. To him people were ignorant and needed to escape illusions in order to help others.
Plato thought and idealism was that a person was born with true knowledge or forms but after birth being placed in this world that individual became corrupted. Once this happens then that person spends the rest of its life trying to seek out that truth. Everyone was a copy of something else and there was only one perfect entity and that was God. Therefore, all things originated from God and will lead back to God. Plato believed that the soul was like an exalted being that is not visible but exists before birth and continues to exist after death. His principle was evil is just what it is and could not be or exist be itself.
It was Plato that came up with the notion of 2+2=4, all due to his thinking or absolute. Due to this Plato made great contributions to natural philosophy, and science that are being practiced in the western education. He taught philosophy, mathematics and logics. His listening skills brought out the best in individuals. As a result Plato’s ideas are still important today.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Impact of the ideas of Socrates
Socrates was one of those great philosophers from Greece. His contribution and the work he did are still being used and practiced today. Socrates did not believe in the ideas of the type of person one will become but he was more concerned with the ethics and values that were portrayed in that person’s life. He believed that the ethical virtues needed to be addressed first before any moral action can occur. His ideas on values, happiness and elenchus were great.
Socrates believed that the state of the soul was better than any wealth, honor or reputation a person could ever receive. To Socrates the soul was eternal and it is that thing that identifies who we are. Therefore, having or being in the best state when it comes to your soul is very important. His values beliefs were it was not good to be evil for it was better to be dead than to be evil. To be evil was like being rotting and to be dead was similar to having a decaying body. He also believed that the soul could outlive the body therefore it was vital. If one loses his life that individual would lose his virtue.
To Socrates happiness was something we all can control for an individual is in control of his state of being. If an individual has virtue it is that thing needed to be happy and nothing else. This is the thing that will contribute to a good life. In his elenchus he wanted everyone to state what it is that you needed to say. He believed that hypothesis was worthless. There is good in everyone and the only way to get it out of an individual was to ask the proper questions.
Socrates also left others confused by the things he said. He made great contribution to western education with his teaching methods. He always asked questions and left the individual to critically solve and come up with a solution. He made westerns rethink the way education was being conducted for modern western education. He always created and engaged in dialogs that caused others to think. Then that individual would answer based on his/her own thought process and knowledge. He never gave the answers but the individual was challenged to think for themselves. One would say he conducted active debates. His views always criticized what the person was thinking causing and challenging that individual more and more. Due to this his teaching method was valued in western education.
Revolution of Sputnik
The launching of the Sputnik in space was a time that caused America to rethink the way things were being done. Who would have thought and leave this notion to pure amazement that the Soviet Union would develop a satellite that would have the capability of being propelled into space. This was truly a mark in the history books. Due to this the US begin to pour money into the educational field. Key influences were placed on science, foreign language and math. Universities were forced to develop more highly knowledge based curriculum as a result.
Focus was on teaching students to think critically like never before. This launch created the birth of NASA. Had it not been for this advancement of the Soviet Union during a time of the Cold War being able to create such a device, would leave America to wonder and question its educational system. Perhaps even today this countries educational system may still leave America to wonder and question if it is still behind the rest of other nations and countries. The Sputnik made America realize its short comings and rethink. Also one may conclude that, there are not that many individuals at that time or now in the critical fields.
Subject matters taught in school and that became a part of the educational system would challenge students to think critically. The US realized that memorization of information was not as vital as being a critical thinker; one may even say thinking outside of the normal realm. This type of thinking could cause a revolution of the mind and even an explosion that this country called the USA needed. Perhaps this critical thinking would make America a top leader in the global society and give America a leading edge over the rest.
The educational field of science boomed after the Sputnik. Schools were doing everything to advance this area. What would it take for America to redirect and rethink about the educational system today? Is it going to take another Sputnik? The educational system in the US needs to continue to develop areas that will causes the students to think critically. The Sputnik affected the educational system in the US and made America realize it was more behind than ahead of the rest. Also it taught America to lead the field of education must be advanced.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Ancient school, First school and Teacher effectiveness
Schools in Ancient Egyptian times were not that different from the way children learn today. There was learning that was done at home where the children learned from their parents. As the children got older they were then taught skills in areas that they were going to work in. Then there were those who went to formal schooling and were taught writing from the scribes and others were taught homeschooling. Girls during that time were also taught. Some were taught to do house work while the others from an upper class were taught reading and writing. The students that attended school were expected to recite from memory what they had learned. There was no prescribed timing for when school was going to end.
Then during the Sumerian schooling there were not much evidence of many schools. As a matter of fact there were only two that could be documented. Time for progress was slow for these people. Then later many schools could be documented, there were also evidence of thousands of scribes that existed. Scribes were given tasks of economics and affairs that dealt with the land. Scribal duties were very important and the task was taken seriously. Any student attending schooling was expected to demonstrate excellence in their work. Those that did not perfect this were severely beaten, in order to perfect learning. Students attending their school studied for hours and it was done by memory. The Sumerian schools were also famous for creative writing and work were copied many times over to ensure perfection.
Unlike the schools of today teachers are not as effective as the scribes of past. Control over the students was the top priority and mercy little if none was demonstrated. Reason being was that the scribe’s reputation was at stake and the students were expected to show and take pride in their work to reflect the same. Also unlike the scribes the instructors of today are also not effective due to politics and laws and bylaws determining control over students. Also no student was given a set time of completion of schooling. There were countless hours and years of learning. Unlike times of the past the teacher/scribe was able to dismiss any student from school that did not excel to the level they wanted them to perform. Teachers today are not the last a final determining factor for dismissing a student from school totally. The teacher’s effectiveness for obtaining the most out of the student has been deemed almost powerless. Students have just as much rights or even more than the teachers. As a consequence the teacher is not as effective as getting the most out of that individual as much as that person is capable of.
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