According to the schooling in ancient Egypt this form of education was more of an apprenticeship type of education. The boys got their schooling from the school master being conducted in his house. Also those boys had to be perhaps from the aristocratic society. Reason being only those who could afford the education were schooled. Most of that education was memorization because materials were expensive and they learned hieroglyphics. Those that were not meeting the standards were beaten.
The students also learned to conduct family businesses. They also learned about conduct and the code of conduct that should be displayed in all areas of life. Vocational training also existed and was done also at home as well as scribal. Girls or princes were taught as well. Subjects included writing, grammar, literature and mathematics. The perhaps common girls were taught the domesticated side of duties and to be temple servants. Children in the community would learn trade from their parents. Anyone that was a craftsman or scribe had to be literate in hieroglyphics, reading, and writing to read and make inscription on temple walls and tombs.
Temples to the Egyptians were a meeting place for humans and the super naturals. Education for the Mesopotamians was similar to the Egyptians. Formal education was mainly geared towards the scribes and priest. Priesthood education was a serious business and there were many temples to conduct this in. The more influential were taught to become librarians, scribes and copyist. The students were taught by the priest and this was also done in the library. Just like the Egyptians education was harsh. Teaching was conducted as so was memorization, reciting, copying and instructions. They also learned astrology, medicine, reading, writing and religion. Apprenticeship was also vital.
Temple education was important because it taught the students how to conduct their lives in an everyday fashion with religion as a priority. Temple education was where the students learned instructions as it was a house of instructions. Cuneiform writing was taught in the temple school and it was challenging to learn. Therefore, religion was a vital part of the Egyptians and the Mesopotamians way of life. Schooling was conducted formally, home schooling apprenticeship and on the job training were all exhibited in early form of educational schooling during ancient civilization.
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