Always the Outcast
“Nou led, Nou la” {we are ugly, but we are alive}
The recent earthquake in Haiti has truly been devastation that reflects disaster of a great magnitude. For the country of Haiti and the inhabitants of that nation this is just another blow to their economy and infrastructure. One disaster after another one more devastation to deal with, one may say a country that is suffering from so much economic unrest and turmoil. Years of oppression and lack of economic instability seems as if this nation has gotten one bad blow after the other.
I can only imagine or try to begin to relate to a nation that has only been seen in the eyes of many as a third world country and some may say this may be worse than that perhaps fourth world if such a thing. A country whose citizens for many years have tried to migrate to other countries trying to seek an opportunity for a better life only to be repatriated back to the same unrest. Now once again the country has to deal with a disastrous earthquake. Another nail in the coffin to try and seal the fate of this country that has to deal with so much but lack so little resources.
Yet in the faces of those that have survived they are still holding on to that only if small hope and glimmer of better days are ahead. We may have been outcast but we are not forgotten. The voices of many still clinching to rays of hope and looking ahead for a brighter tomorrow. Perhaps now the world may begin to see the desperation of this nation and its citizens. Perhaps now the world and all its nations can pull together and lift this country up. There is a saying if you are down do not look down on me unless you are willing to give me a hand and pick me up. Maybe now we all can help Haiti pick up itself and become a nation of no more hand outs. Maybe now we can all help and assist Haiti to become a place where the people can become a part of one of those great nations versus a nation of outcast.
Maybe now when we hear Haiti we all can feel proud. Proud to know that the rest of the world at one point had forgotten Haiti but history can be extended to include those days of France and the days when Haiti became a flourishing nation, a country of many natural resources, economic stability and a prosperous country. A country that once looked upon as ugly but through the hopes and desperation and aspiration has proven that there is still life here. Do not count this country out as long as there are still citizens there with that hope and faith. Haiti is saying we need help, so help us so we may be able to help ourselves, and then say Nou led, Nou la.
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