Saturday, January 30, 2010

Teacher as gatekeeper

Teacher is the gatekeeper describes how the teacher is in control of what happens in that class at any given time. The teacher decides the flow of the classroom and how to handle any and all situations as they arise. Example of this will be is the teacher elects who will speak, answer, question and even determine the length of time it will take. This is displaying control of classroom time or management.
Also by being the gatekeeper the teacher will be controlling and monitoring classroom talk time. The teacher will be able to manage and control classroom interaction. Hopefully by being the gatekeeper the teacher will use time wisely and not have students being idol by doing all the talking. The teacher would be at an advantage if by being the gatekeeper that individual find ways to benefit the entire class and keep curiosity at a peak for all students.
By being the gatekeeper the teacher can also help the student to develop and engage more critical questions. Therefore the teacher would not be the only individual asking all the meaningful questions. With this in mind the teacher will then have to provide and be more flexible with the time it will take to ask and answer questions. Also this will allow the teacher to follow a pace as well. Providing when it is time to slow down or speedup.
If students are to benefit from a lecture then the teacher will have to provide the necessary time in order to conduct that. When unnecessary time is spent on useless dialog the teacher looses precious time and the student looses a valuable opportunity. When teachers are gatekeepers and conducting lectures this is a golden opportunity to provide time for interaction. Students can ask questions on the subject being discussed. Student involvement is beneficial and may perhaps help students when it comes to rote memory. More information can be memorized if vital questions are asked.
A gatekeeper role is very important not only for the student but the teacher as well. The time is constructed more wisely. The tone of classroom flow and activities are more structured. More student involvement, interaction and participation will follow if the gatekeeper role is utilized correctly. Hopefully more meaningful conversation or dialog from both the student and the teacher. These are all the things that can be contributed to a gatekeeper.

Dominant Wave

Three educational reforms are temple education, homeschooling and apprenticeship. Each has played a vital part in the educational process. Regardless of the method used the students learned. In the temple education the students learned the duties of the religious part of life. They learned writing which was very important. In homeschooling learning, the students learned life through imitation from others that would be used perhaps to carry on the family business. In apprenticeship learning the students were being mentored. This duty of being mentored was taken seriously and if not the student was dismissed.
Regardless of the method the one that had the most impact was apprenticeship or on the job training. This was the on the job training that the student received. This was taken seriously so much that the person taking in the student considered that individual his own son. That individual was treated as such. The student that did not do well was sent back to his father’s house.
This training that the student received taught the student to do a specific duty or task. On the job training was used in conjunction with distant learning that was taught at home. The training received at home did not require formal education. Neither does on the job training. Formal education would have been considered knowledge of reading and writing. With on the job training the student would be told what is being correct or incorrect about the skill being learned. This form of training resulted in automatic feedback.
Due to this training being so vital it is still used today in our society. With this training the person receiving the training is provided all that is required to do the specific task. It is very cost effective for all involved. The trainee must be a willing participant and the trainer should be highly skilled. The reason for this is to ensure the skill being learned is taught correctly and will be conducted in the same manner. As one can see education from ancient times are very important and beneficial for the way society is learning being trained and taught today. In my opinion with on the job training one is being given direct instructions and formal education one is being taught and with both societies will benefit.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Early/ Ancient Education

According to the schooling in ancient Egypt this form of education was more of an apprenticeship type of education. The boys got their schooling from the school master being conducted in his house. Also those boys had to be perhaps from the aristocratic society. Reason being only those who could afford the education were schooled. Most of that education was memorization because materials were expensive and they learned hieroglyphics. Those that were not meeting the standards were beaten.
The students also learned to conduct family businesses. They also learned about conduct and the code of conduct that should be displayed in all areas of life. Vocational training also existed and was done also at home as well as scribal. Girls or princes were taught as well. Subjects included writing, grammar, literature and mathematics. The perhaps common girls were taught the domesticated side of duties and to be temple servants. Children in the community would learn trade from their parents. Anyone that was a craftsman or scribe had to be literate in hieroglyphics, reading, and writing to read and make inscription on temple walls and tombs.
Temples to the Egyptians were a meeting place for humans and the super naturals. Education for the Mesopotamians was similar to the Egyptians. Formal education was mainly geared towards the scribes and priest. Priesthood education was a serious business and there were many temples to conduct this in. The more influential were taught to become librarians, scribes and copyist. The students were taught by the priest and this was also done in the library. Just like the Egyptians education was harsh. Teaching was conducted as so was memorization, reciting, copying and instructions. They also learned astrology, medicine, reading, writing and religion. Apprenticeship was also vital.
Temple education was important because it taught the students how to conduct their lives in an everyday fashion with religion as a priority. Temple education was where the students learned instructions as it was a house of instructions. Cuneiform writing was taught in the temple school and it was challenging to learn. Therefore, religion was a vital part of the Egyptians and the Mesopotamians way of life. Schooling was conducted formally, home schooling apprenticeship and on the job training were all exhibited in early form of educational schooling during ancient civilization.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Early Writing and Civilization

Writing has come a long way from what it is seen today. Before writing took place people were communicating orally in some form of grunt or perhaps gestures. One of the early homo used tokens to represent their stock during the era of early civilization; this was done by markings on clay tablets. Different form of writing took place in different times and the style of those writing was different as well. There were styles such as cuneiform, characters and glyphs. Regardless of the region there were symbols or pictures when put together created sounds and words. Early writing came from Maya, Sumerian, Chinese and Egyptians.
The Egyptians begun to use symbols to represent words and not all words but the first letter of the word in something called hieroglyphs. By doing this one can see early form of an alphabet system. Due to this discovery it would be possible to teach others from this written form. The Egyptians were the ones that considered their writings to be sacred. They attached this to a god called Thoth who created art, science and the calendar. The Sumerians believed that the god Enlil created writing and was capable of creating speech. The Mayas believed in the god Itzamna who was in charge of records and keeping time which made it possible to have calendars. The Chinese people did not consider their writing to be divine but they believed that Huang Ti who was able to communicate between heaven and earth.
Writings were also used to help civilization in terms of goods and economic data. Once a form of writing was established those who had stocks were able to keep track of what they had or lost, which represented a form of inventory system. Once that had occurred it was an indicator that civilization was beginning to form. The minds were being developed and creativity was on the move. Now others would have a form to relate to and those in that area would know if they saw a particular symbol it stood for something with a meaning. The need to rely only on memory was good but now information could be recorded and kept to be shared.
As stated writing have symbols that represent and can be put together to form words. With words one is able to form speech and the ability to communicate is expanded. As one can see writing had different meanings to others and because of this some forms of writing were difficult to decode. Out of these writings we are now able to communicate with languages. Just as unique is each writing the same is for each language. Therefore writing was truly an evolution all of its own.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rite of Passage

Throughout time there has been ways that an individual moves from stage of life to another. This movement is considered a rite of passage. In many cultures this rite of passage is necessary and socially accepted. Also rite of passage can differ from culture to culture, but can be seen by all as a move from one phase to another. Rite of passage is to assist an individual to accept the role that individual will assume in society.
Just like everything there are phases that an individual goes through from birth to death and each phase is a teaching moment. In our modern day society this rite of passage would be perhaps a child being born. Then another phase would be that child graduating from schooling. Then moving on to commitment and finally making a commitment. Usually at each phases a ceremony of some type is held to commemorate the event. These ceremonies depict a changing in a person’s life that are in connection with religion or culturally accepted views and values.
In other countries this rite of passage is a painful and severe reminder that life brings pain. So in other societies the rite of passage may include male and female circumcision or perhaps the beating of one’s sexual organs; all of this occurring around the onset of puberty. Each society may chose how the rite of passage would be conducted. Society on the other hand is signaling to that individual this is your opportunity to show that you are maturing in this society from a child to now adulthood.
With the rite of passage a form of identity for the individual is created. A form of recognition to note growth is another way to look at the rite of passage. Regardless of what society or culture an individual wants to be recognized during phases of life. Not only does that individual wants to be recognize but society wants to take part as well. Therefore this is the reason why the rite of passage is noted. Not only by society but by members of that individual’s family is included in the rite of passage. This rite of passage is similar to a coming together, recognition and response for everyone involved. It will teach an individual how to become an adult in that society according to that society's roles. It will also teach and hopefully equip an individual with all that is needed according to what was learned.

Early Human

From early human evolution of primates until the upright standing primate is amazing. To see how primates came from early Ardipithecus ramidus apes that walked on the ground to Homo erectus and then Homo sapiens to which everyone belonging to this group has truly been evolution at its best. Also to see the evolving of these primates’ facial structures, head size, brain size and skeletal structure and the fossils to support the theory of such life before in past eras, all of these are amazing discoveries.
Then to have the discovery of Lucy whose skeletal systems is much similar to a human female was a noted discovery that depicted the evolving of bones and their function through time. One would say that Lucy was short in statue but had all the anatomical classification of human bones was there but yet Lucy was still classified as a chimpanzee and not a human. There were primates like Lucy that superseded her lineage for that era which still proves that science is still not complete, therefore resulting in more work that needs to be done. This leads me to believe humans are truly complex beings even through the evolution process.
Then there is Eve. According to DNA one could say all humans originated from this one Homo sapiens’ DNA. Not only from this one Homo sapiens but the one that was in Africa. According to the results one can conclude that all life forms for humans started in Africa. The results also stated that the primate could not have been a man .Reason being is based on the fact that only a woman has DNA in their mitochondria. Although the information entered may not be correct and according to how the data is used all will agree that the most DNA collected was from Africa. All leading one to believe that at one point in time primates originated in Africa but as time progress and the evolution of such there was an exodus out of Africa.
Regardless if one believes in evolution or not there are components that exist to prove that at one point in time these primates existed. To the extent of the existence is a preference in beliefs. When all the information is gathered one will say that life form for these primates were advanced and they made remarkable contribution to science.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


My educational experience was not one I would classify as being multicultural. I came from a country that was full of culture but in school mainly everyone was from the same background with the same culture. Everyone was classified as Bahamian. There were perhaps less than ten children in the entire school that was from another country and I was not fortunate enough to have any of them in my classroom setting. Therefore as far as my elementary experience of multicultural I would say none.
My secondary experience was much different I was introduced to multiculturalism. There were several students from different countries with different nationality, culture, ethnicity and race. At that time the experience was one of social action. Everyone was taught to work together as a team despite our differences and solve cultural differences through group and collaborative approaches. This social action approach not only brought us together but allowed us to focus on an appreciation for one another versus focusing on how different we were.
If I had an opportunities to go back I would chose all of the approaches and try to in cooperate each into the learning environment. Reason is that each is so vital to the understanding and gaining an appreciation of culture. Each should be taught from the early stages of education to ensure more appreciation into latter years. I was not introduced to cultural differences because it was non existence. Consequently it still should have been introduced into the curriculum. Although we were all the same that did not limited what could have been learned and taught.
Then when I was at the secondary stage of education others as well as I were such in amazement to see and interact directly with culture. Multicultural should not be a shock but it was. Teachers should be more flexible and open minded to culture. A teacher could stagnate or broaden an individual’s insight and appreciation to culture. Therefore teachers should be more culturally sensitive. Have an appreciation day where not only students are involved but others from the community can be invited and contribute a part of their culture into the experience. If this was done in my elementary school I would have something to reflect back on. I would have been able to say there was not much culture in my school but I got introduced to culture in my community. The earlier culture is introduced the more advantage it will gain.

“Nou led, Nou la”

Always the Outcast
“Nou led, Nou la” {we are ugly, but we are alive}
The recent earthquake in Haiti has truly been devastation that reflects disaster of a great magnitude. For the country of Haiti and the inhabitants of that nation this is just another blow to their economy and infrastructure. One disaster after another one more devastation to deal with, one may say a country that is suffering from so much economic unrest and turmoil. Years of oppression and lack of economic instability seems as if this nation has gotten one bad blow after the other.
I can only imagine or try to begin to relate to a nation that has only been seen in the eyes of many as a third world country and some may say this may be worse than that perhaps fourth world if such a thing. A country whose citizens for many years have tried to migrate to other countries trying to seek an opportunity for a better life only to be repatriated back to the same unrest. Now once again the country has to deal with a disastrous earthquake. Another nail in the coffin to try and seal the fate of this country that has to deal with so much but lack so little resources.
Yet in the faces of those that have survived they are still holding on to that only if small hope and glimmer of better days are ahead. We may have been outcast but we are not forgotten. The voices of many still clinching to rays of hope and looking ahead for a brighter tomorrow. Perhaps now the world may begin to see the desperation of this nation and its citizens. Perhaps now the world and all its nations can pull together and lift this country up. There is a saying if you are down do not look down on me unless you are willing to give me a hand and pick me up. Maybe now we all can help Haiti pick up itself and become a nation of no more hand outs. Maybe now we can all help and assist Haiti to become a place where the people can become a part of one of those great nations versus a nation of outcast.
Maybe now when we hear Haiti we all can feel proud. Proud to know that the rest of the world at one point had forgotten Haiti but history can be extended to include those days of France and the days when Haiti became a flourishing nation, a country of many natural resources, economic stability and a prosperous country. A country that once looked upon as ugly but through the hopes and desperation and aspiration has proven that there is still life here. Do not count this country out as long as there are still citizens there with that hope and faith. Haiti is saying we need help, so help us so we may be able to help ourselves, and then say Nou led, Nou la.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Frames Paradigms and Paradigm Shift

The invention of man has brought on many changes that have caused man to evolve from a simple creature to a more complex species. It has also resulted and depicted in the way man thinking process, learning process and world view evolving. In the passage Frames, Paradigms and Paradigm shifts the invention of man was traced from the earliest form of Homo Habilis to Homo Sapiens. Invention started from simple tools to more complex tools. Then there were fire, hunting, communication and domestication all in an attempt of man’s increased knowledge.
With the first invention of tools man was able to now go out and hunt animals to add to the diet of that time. Animals were no longer a threat but a means of added survival. Therefore eating that meat caused man’s brain to increase in knowledge because of the added protein. Man was able to invent more advanced tools for that time. Man was also able to use the skin of the animals killed to provide clothing. Also because of this others were able to engage in the hunt. Then the brains grew larger which caused women to engage in reduction of child bearing because the rearing time was expanded. Then relationships were also formed.
Then the use of controlled fire brought about more changes. Home dwellings could be occupied because larger animals were chased away with the fire. Fire was used to cook the meat of animals so more tasting and digestion of food occurred and the lost of the large canine teeth. The brain continued to increase in sizes which lead to group gatherings. As a result language began to form. They were now able to converge. More advancement took place such as gathering crops and domestication. Villages could also be created as result of others coming together.
Rituals, religion and form of teaching were able to be passed on from one group to another. Then the wheel was invented and along with that came methods of transportation and the use of horses in those methods. Finally Homo sapiens evolved and they were the most advanced of all other groups. Man was able to move from place to place and populate other areas. Homo sapiens continued to evolve into present day man with even more complex advancements.

Evolution of teaching

The growth or change of teaching preparation from the Colonial period to now have gone through much needed change that was needed for this time. Teachers during the Colonial era were not formally educated and there were not that many of them. Some of them did not receive an education that went beyond elementary or high school. Most got their training from observation of other teachers at work. Some of these teachers had an obligation to work in order to get to America. They did what they had to and for those that made it good and for those that did not took many students went down with them in the process.
A small percentage of those teachers that made the level above secondary were tutors for the private sector mainly in Europe. If a teacher knew the subject matter that was a plus but if that individual did not it was still not necessary. The reason for this was that this was a field of temporary employment and not a career. The percentages of teachers were either teenagers or those with skeptical characters. The profession of teaching was one that took some time to go through changes, and become an area of professionalism. In the 1800’s Reverend Samuel Hall established a program for teaching and this was the beginning of teaching in America.
Then later Horace Mann had an academic and training program for teachers. Then in the 1900’s teaching took on the role of being a field filled with women. Then by the twentieth century education took on a booming effect. Enrollment was on the rise and the demand grew for teachers which gained popularity form the universities and private colleges, to expand the teaching program to include three and four year programs for teaching.
Then in 1980 the remodeling of education occurred. Before this time teachers were not treated fairly and teaching was now being considered a profession requiring the needs of professionals. Due to this professionalism the area of education for teachers had to be expanded and more geared for preparing individuals for a career. This also caused contention between status and preparation for a career. Many deans got involved including The Holmes Group. Then the Carnegie Forum called for advanced standards and qualifications requiring a master’s degree versus undergraduate’s degree.
Now today undergraduate degrees as well as bachelors and masters are still being used in the teaching majors. Not many are board certified and it is expensive. For those that are board certified there is more added responsibilities and the pay really do not reflect the work it entails. As one can clearly see teaching has truly gone through much transformation from Colonial period to present day.